Check out the shot illustrating Shalom's love of chocolate ice cream. She makes her mama proud!
At the intersection of Avenida Reforma and Avenida de las Americas (close to airport, hotels, and the American Embassy) is the famous Gallo (guy-o) tree. Gallo, which I have no doubt already mentioned, is the national beer of Guatemala, carrying a Budweiser type patriotic loyalty. Though it is difficult to make out, their emblem tops the city's Christmas tree. Isn't that special!!???
Though we will miss everyone over the holidays, we are looking forward to our big Central American road trip. Check out our new ride. On Sunday, December 9, we leave Guatemala heading for Costa Rica. We will pass through El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Don't worry, Shalom is only allowed to drive in Honduras. We will spend over a week in Costa Rica, including Christmas day camping on the beach. Wish us luck and love on our adventure. We will certainly post pics upon return.