Three hours per week of Team 7 meetings at CAG is no picnic, but our Team 7 week-end at our team coordinator's family house on the Pacific was just wonderful. Our accommodations were quite rustic, but the small sacrifice in comfort was greatly outweighed by our reward of being literally steps from the beach. Compared to our earlier beach week-end at the more popular beach of Monterrico, the beach here was perfect. We were outside of the small town of Sipacate, and the beach was cleaner and practically deserted. The ocean was calm enough to swim close to the shore and the waves were big enough further out for one of the 7th grade teachers to surf. Plus, it just amazes us that the same Pacific which was ice cold in Santa Cruz is as warm as bath water down here! Shalom enjoyed the beach and the waves and LOVED the small pool she played in for hours with the L.A. teacher’s kids (our hosts). We ate s’mores, home-made tortillas, and on Sunday, the caretakers grilled ten or more freshly-caught fish. Nothing like eating barbecue, sipping a few Gallos, and watching the waves crash. Now we’re back to our week with three hours of meetings…but that’s not what we came to Guatemala for. We're here for the beach! (and the volcanoes, and the sun, and the jungles..)
Ohhhh...I just love an empty beach. Lovely trip. Glad to see new posts!
The naked beach pics are awesome. The Central American climate seems to agree with you all, huh? Love the new photos. Think it's hilarious that you lost anther camera. Way to overcome obstacles and post pictures anyway for your loyal blog supporters.
see you soon!
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