Dahlia Sol was born Wednesday, May 23 here in Gutemala City. She weighed in at 6 1/2

lbs and measured about 19 inches. Diana had a quick, pain-free (just kidding), natural water birth. Both are doing wonderfully. Share our joy as the love in our family grows.
I was hoping you guys would put up pictures! Welcome Dahlia! Can't wait to meet you! Congratulations to Mom, Dad, and big sister Shalom.
Aunt April
Congratulations, she is adorable!
I miss you guys and can't wait to hang out soon -
What an exciting month of May!
Uncle Mike
oh my goooood!!! Congratulations! I can't believe you guys have two daughters already, so grown up! :) And when you left Shalom was just born...life moves so fast...congrats Micheal and Diane, hopefully we will meet soon...are you coming back soon?
Girl party this summer!
We can't wait to meet Dahlia in person. She already looks like quite the little charmer.
So happy for you.
Good luck.
Come home soon.
We miss you.
Karen, Tony, Annie, and Camille
CONRATULATIONS RICHARDS!!! Your new little baby is so lovely, and I can hardly believe what a big girl Shalom is already! Great adventures you all are having! I love you dearly and am so proud of you! Way to go! Miss you kiss you love you,
je suis très émue de l'arrivée de cette nouvelle petite humanité...
elle est magnifique, votre fleur.
je pense très fort à vous.
je vous embrasse, et espère vous croiser bientôt dans un des hémisphères.
Congratulations to the happy family! Shalom is so blessed to have a sister...
(mike & Becca's friend)
OMG...I'm so excited for you guys!! And her name is gorgeous...I LOVE IT!! Glad things are going so well for you guys down there. Congrats!!
Jenn Roberts
She is beautiful, more competition for the future with the other girls and Giovanni. I can't wait to hear how things are going, second time around...little easier!?! Call when you get settled in.
Love, Rita Joe & Giovanni
She looks lovely and we can't wait to meet Dahlia Sol. Love, Uncle Tony
Felicidades mami , papi y hermana mayor Salom, es una bebe hermosa (y me encanta la idea que sea Guatemalteca)besos y abrasos.
She is adorable! Congrats to the Richard family as you grow (Chick Power!!!!).
Love, Cousin Lora
thanks for putting up the pictures-Dahlia is lovely. Your blog is amazing the way it brings us all in on your lives. What a great looking family - all the best -
Carol Bloom
YAY!!! Congratulations on having another beautiful May Baby. Y que nombre mas lindo... I love how it could be seen as Dahlia Sun, or connect to Uncle Sol, one of the funniest, most energetic relatives we have! Cuidense bien y nos vemos en unos meses!
Cousin Lauren
Those lips are seriously cute. Can't wait to meet her in person!!
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