It is hard to sum up our amazing 3+ week family road trip. For one thing, I spent dozens of hours recording our daily adventures in what turned out to be a 30+ page journal. We slept in a tent, stayed in some dives, and spent a few nights at some real swanky joints. We drove through Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and into Costa Rica. All of these countries are just beautiful, with impressive volcanoes, mountains, forests, and the Pacific’s white sand and black sand beaches. Our Jeep got us over some horrible roads that were barely meant to be trafficked, with only two small repair jobs! We got lost a few times, one of which was a near-disaster in San Salvador, but it worked out all right. Traveling with small children was definitely a challenge, but they get us a lot of cred with the locals. Shalom asks “Que tiene?” to everyone she meets, and strangers equally love Dahlia’s big drooly smiles. This was not an entirely relaxing time, but Michael and I managed to squeeze in a few naps here and there. Shalom continues to love being carried in her backpack, and we took a lot of hikes with the two of them in tow. (Note to self: bring snacks on 5-hour hike). We encountered talking parrots, monkeys, leaf-cutter ants, crazy-scary spiders, stray dogs, bread-thief magpies, hummingbirds, ox-carts, and of course so many cows, horses, and chickens… The people we encountered were very friendly, though it is shocking to see the poverty of locals carrying water and firewood for who knows how far, or throwing old tires over cliffs. We are excited to share the beauty of Central America with the friends of ours who will be visiting. Yeah Dreyfuss family! Yeah Scott & Angela!

Adèle is very envious of (quote) "SALOM qui se baigne dans la cascade pour se laver les beaux cheveux",
and gosh! so am I!!
thank you for the pictures, and the mail-update.
you are gorgeous. The family picture on the beach is fabulous, you are glowing.
I wish you were closer, to see our little têtes-de-mule argue together.
wow...looks like your adventure was amazing. Great pics. Can't wait to hear all about it.
miss you in Chicago.
Tony, Karen, Annie, and Camille
I can't get over how big Dahlia is now, it seems like just yesterday when we saw her. I will be calling you this week to share some good news on our end.
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