Our family is preparing for our next big move, which is bringing us to Louisiana. Though we are saddened that we will not be returning to friends and family in Chicago, we are very excited to be starting a new chapter in New Orleans. Though I (Michael) am from Louisiana, I don't feel like I really know the city. I am really looking forward to exploring and contributing to rebuilding. Also, I am looking forward to being closer my family in Louisiana. A great job opportunity is what will bring us down there. As most of you know, Katrina devastated the New Orleans Parish school system, which was already in dire straits. This event, however, might turn out out to be a silver lining on the cloud that was Katrina. Now in New Orleans, reform-minded educators - led by Paul Vallas- are flocking to the city to undertake one of the most compelling transformations in the history of urban education. I will be in the awesome position of founding and leading a new charter school. It is a unique opportunity to directly affect the lives of children and families in New Orleans (and those hoping to return) while contributing to the larger reform experiment. Over the next year, New Schools for New Orleans (thanks to the Broads, Gates, and Fishers for the $17 Million) will be supporting and training me in an incubation period, where I will be planning my dream school. We will open in the fall of 2009. Needless to say, this was an opportunity I could not pass up. I look forward to discussing details and getting ideas from all of our friends and family. Reservations for Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest chez Richard will fill up fast, so make yours soon. We look forward to playing hosts down in the Big Easy!
Wow! What exciting news! Does this mean you'll be the Principal? Congrats! Diana, what are you going to do?
Victoria in Paris
Hey guys! Micahel, WOW! This is so exciting, and I am so happy to hear the news! You will be awesome...if I weren't tied down, I'd join this adventure...I am moving back to Cali, even leaving Legacy behind...by the way, the abbaies aer so beautiful...hopefully our paths will cross again one day, please say Hi to Diana for me...talk to you guys soon...
Reema :)
Michael congratulations on the job, we can't think of a better person to be doing something like that. Di I got your note about Giovanni's gift, thanks so much of thinking of him. Hoping we can see everyone in June. When you know dates, let me know so I can see if I can take some time off. Continuing to grow bigger....Rita
That is awesome!!! Congrats on the decision! I can't wait to hear how it goes....and who knows, if you're still in need of a 3rd grade teacher in '09......
Beth Wilson
You are one cool, colorful family! And New Orleans (despite disappointment in Chicago) will be a fabulous envt for your multi-cultural kids -- and you! Your work sounds perfect for you, Michael and I know you, Diana, will have a full life there as well along with your beautiful girls! Really would love to see you ... salud and love Aunt George
I amglad you came and I look forwa rd to an exciting year with you as part of our cohort. We are about to embark on an exciting journey of reforming education in New Orleans.
St. Claire
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